Summer Reads from Mills & Boon

Our Summer Sizzlers: Spicing up your summer one page at a time!

We’ve done a little poll here at Paradise Heights and it’s official, summer is our favourite time of year. Why? Because it makes us feel happier, brighter and loads more energetic, plus we get to take piles of gorgeous books on holiday with us.

Did you know that:

  • Exposure to sunlight triggers the body to produce the mood-lifting dopamine and serotonin, along with the hormone MSH, which all combine to give an intoxicating boost to your libido. (Women’s Health Magazine).
  • Over half of all women would chose to read romantic fiction on holiday (M&B survey).

In celebration of all this, team Mills & Boon will be bringing you all sorts of #SummerSizzler goodies from extra author content and competitions to discounts and quizzes from now until the autumn.

All you need to do is follow the hashtag #SummerSizzler on Twitter and look out for the logo on our books, content, features and competitions.

To get you started, the editors here at Paradise Heights have selected their sauciest summer reads – pop over to our #SummerSizzler page and take a look!

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