Introducing Carey Cove Midwives

Carey Cove Midwives features four interconnected stories that take place in the high-pressure world of medicine. Emotions run high and sometimes, comfort and love are the best medicine… especially for the heroes delivering healthcare!

If you love uplifting, small town romances, you will love Carey Cove Midwives. Find out more with an exclusive extract from the first and second stories.


Christmas with the Single Dad Doc by Annie O’Neil

Harry was still on the ground and, though he’d definitely grazed his knee, he somehow seemed entirely unfazed by it. Normally there would be howling about now. But this woman, crouching down, face hidden by a sheet of glossy, black hair, was somehow engaged in a formal greeting ritual with his son.

‘How do you do, Harry?’ She shook his hand in a warm, but formal style. ‘It’s such a pleasure to meet someone who loves Christmas as much as I do.’

If she was expecting Lucas to join in the ‘I Love Christmas Every Day of the Year Club’ she was obviously recruiting for, she had another think coming. It was November. He had enough trouble mustering up excitement for the day of December the 25th, let alone two months early.

Clearly unperturbed by his lack of response, she smiled at Harry and pointed at his grazed knee. ‘Now. Important decision to make. Do you think you’d like a plaster with Santa on it? Or elves?’

‘Elves!’ Harry clapped his hands in delight.

The woman laughed and said she would run in the house and get some as well as a cloth to clear away the small grass stains Lucas could see coloured his son’s little boy knees.

Her voice had a mischievous twist to it, but underneath the bright, child-friendly exchange, was a gentle kindness that softened his heart.

‘I’m ever so sorry. Harry is just mad for —’ Lucas began, but when she looked up and met his gaze anything else he’d planned on saying faded into nothing.

Though he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that they’d never met, his body felt as if it had been jolted into a reality he’d always been waiting to step into. Every cell in his body was supercharged with a deep, visceral connection as their eyes caught and held. Hers were a warm brown…edging on a jewel-like amber. Her skin was a beautiful, almost pearlescent hue. Glowing. Cheeks pinked up. Lips a deep red as if they’d just received a rush of emotion.

Perhaps it was the unexpected excitement of a three-year-old boy careering into her front garden. Perhaps it was the fresh, autumnal weather. Or, maybe…just maybe…she was feeling the exact same thing he was. A strange, but electric, feeling surging through her in a way she’d never experienced before.

She blinked once. Then twice. Then, as if the moment had entirely been a fiction of his own creating, realigned her focus so that it was only on Harry.

Festive Fling to Forever by Karin Baine

Molly’s cries echoed through the cottage and there was nothing Sophie could give her to help her through the contractions. Even if she had been in hospital, her labour had advanced so rapidly there wouldn’t have been time to give her an epidural if she had wanted one. This was the worst part for her and her patients, both powerless until nature had taken its course.

‘This will all be worth it when you have that little baby in your arms,’ she said, brushing Molly’s damp hair away from her face. The stress, the pain and the whole labour often faded in the face of a brand-new life being brought into the world. For Sophie included.

Although she was still praying they would get to the hospital in time, it was looking more unlikely by the second with the closer contractions.

That didn’t mean she wasn’t relieved when she heard the noise of the helicopter over the house. Sophie couldn’t leave Molly when she was in the last stages of her labour, but she did rush to open the bedroom curtains to see what was going on. It did nothing to allay her fears. The chopper was battling against the wind, struggling to land. A line was thrown out, it too swinging from side to side. A figure in bright orange risked life and limb to traverse it and Sophie’s heart was in her mouth simply watching. At this stage she knew she was delivering this baby here and now and backup should have been a comfort. Instead, it gave her another life to fret over. In the end she turned away, unable to stomach witnessing the dangerous mission unfold.

It was only when she heard banging at the front door she was able to breathe again.

‘The door’s open. We’re up here,’ she shouted above the noise of the helicopter being buffeted about by the storm outside.

Whichever daredevil had been dispatched to assist her would have to do without a welcoming party as Molly panted frantically through her contractions.

‘Okay. So where are we?’ The heaven-sent paramedic had entered the room, but Sophie’s relief was short-lived as she recognised the face as well as the voice. Roman Callahan, the man who had broken her heart and who all other men had failed to live up to since.


Christmas Miracle on their Doorstep by Ann McIntosh

Discovering a baby girl left on the doorstep of Carey House immediately ignites Dr Theo Turner’s and midwife Nya Ademi’s protective instincts! But caring for this precious infant together has Nya suddenly seeing her old friend in a different light. Are they prepared to put their bruised hearts – and years of friendship – on the line…to claim the second chance they both so deserve?

Single Mum’s Mistletoe Kiss by Rachel Dove

When midwife Marnie held her baby for the first time, she knew that a lifetime of Christmas wishes had been granted. But that doesn’t make being a single parent any easier. So, new midwife Ash’s support is invaluable – and his kiss is unexpectedly magical! But, as they countdown to Christmas together, Marnie realises that she has one more wish to make: for Ash to stay.

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