Celebrating Galentine’s Day With Our Authors

We asked our authors how they will be celebrating Galentine’s Day this year and here’s what they told us…


Nicole Locke:

I’m celebrating today with fellow Unlacers Laurie Benson, Jenni Fletcher, Virginia Heath, Elisabeth Hobbes, Janice Preston, Harper St. George, Lara Temple, and Catherine Tinley. Sharing laughs and lives at the Unlaced Book Club with these writers and this community has been Galentine’s day every day.


Susan Carlisle:

Helen Sibritt is a medical romance reader extraordinaire. She offers support by doing reviews, responding on social media and all that an author could dream of in a reader. Though we live on different sides of the world I can always count on her to offer her support for my stories. Thanks Helen from the bottom of my heart.


Elisabeth Hobbes:

I want to give a huge shout out to my Unlaced Historical Romance Group gals, Lara Temple, Janice Preston, Nicole Locke (my Lochmore Legacy sisters), Jenni Fletcher, Virginia Heath, Harper St George, Laurie Benson and Catherine Tinley. They’re always there for laughs, moral support, historical fact-checking and hot men in waistcoats or armour.


Joss Wood:

Women are such wondrous people and the ones who make up the romance community are even better than that. They are supportive, fabulous and occasionally fierce in the defence of each other and what’s right.

I am, and always will be, grateful for the friendship of Katherine Garbera, Karen Booth, Reese Ryan and Cathy Mann.


Liz Tyner:

The first time I had lunch with a group of historical romance authors, I was in awe. Our shared love of history and writing made it a wonderful experience for me and I discovered you can meet your heroes—and respect them even more.


Jeanine Englert:

Happy Galentine’s Day to the lovely Historical authors who have been so welcoming to me this year as I joined the Harlequin/Mills & Boon family! Special thanks to Harper St. George who has been so supportive and encouraging. Be sure to check out her Viking romances for some swoon worthy heroes!


Bronwyn Scott:

Happy Galentine’s Day to my favourite writing partner, Marguerite Kaye! You’re so talented and you know just how to capture a scene. I love writing our house parties together and look forward to the next collaboration. Congrats on a getting 2021 off to a great start.


Lara Temple:

One of the best things about being a romance author is meeting amazing women—especially my sister authors at the Unlaced Historical Romance Group on Facebook. They’re smart, sassy, and amazingly kind—perfect heroine material! The Unlaced ladies are Janice Preston, Laurie Benson, Virginia Heath, Jenni Fletcher, Catherine Tinley, Elizabeth Hobbes, Nicole Locke, Harper St. George, & Lara Temple.


Liz Fielding:

I’m sending all my cyber love to my fellow True Love authors, who I haven’t been able to see and hug since last February. They are the most supportive, brilliant group. They write fabulous books, too! And to my fabulously patient editor.


Lucy Monroe:

This past year has been hard, but I’m so grateful for my friends who filled my heart with their goodness. Carrie Nichols (True Love) kept me focused and lifted up. Jadesola James (debut Modern) kept me inspired and crafting. Reese Ryan (Desire) introduced me to new books and new authors in her weekly YouTubes. Abby Green (Modern) fired me up and made me laugh. I could go on and on, but this Galantines day I want to wish the very best to all my author friends and say thank you for being you AND for writing amazing books.


Barbara Wallace:

Fellow True Love author Donna Alward is my sister from another mister. She talks me off of hypothetical ledges, cheers on my successes, coaches me through difficult manuscripts, and joins me for all sorts of shenanigans. Imagine what we’d do if we lived in the same country!


Kate Hardy:

My fellow M&B writers are my friends as well as colleagues; I’ve missed seeing them hugely during lockdown. Special shout-out to Caroline Anderson, Liz Fielding, Scarlet Wilson, Annie O’Neil, Michelle Styles, Heidi Rice, Annie Claydon, Abby Green, Sophie Pembroke, Rachael Stewart – arrgh, running out of words, love you all!


Catherine Tinley:

The Mills and Boon Historical authors are a great group who all support each other, encourage each other, and cheer each other up when we need it. A special shout out to the Unlaced Book Club authors – Lara Temple, Nicole Locke, Virginia Heath, Laurie Benson, Harper St George, Elisabeth Hobbes, and Jenni Fletcher. I don’t know what I’d do without you all!


Janice Preston:

Here’s a special Galentine’s Day shout out to the Unlaced Historical Romance Group crew on Facebook – Laurie Benson, Jenni Fletcher, Virginia Heath, Elisabeth Hobbes, Nicole Locke, Harper St George, Lara Temple and Catherine Tinley . Wise, fun and fabulous, and generous in every way, I am privileged to call them friends.


Sarah Mallory:

Two Fabulous gals I’d like to give a shout for – Lara Temple whose latest book A Match for the Rebellious Earl, is garnering some lovely reviews. She continues to go from strength to strength! Also, Janice Preston: her Rags-to-Riches Governess is just adorable!



Find out more about how we are celebrating Galentine’s Day, Valentine’s Day and all things romance (plus a chance to win some amazing romantic prizes!) at our website!

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