Meet author Abby Green

To celebrate the release of Claiming His Wedding Night Consequence, we had a chat with author Abby Green! From writer’s block to wedding inspiration to her current reads, find out more here…

Can you tell us about your book coming out in August, Claiming His Wedding Night Consequence?

So, it’s a story about a girl named Chiara. She has inherited a castello but she can’t afford to keep it so she marries the hero, Nico, when he offers to help her buy it. She plans to divorce him quickly as she feels intimidated by him – it’s a marriage of convenience story. On their wedding night, their passion for each other is apparent and there is a consequence! When Nico discovers Chiara is pregnant, he is determined to keep her and the baby and make it a marriage for real.

Where did you find your inspiration from for this book?

I got the inspiration from Hello Magazine. There was a wedding in Sicily, a very high society Italian family. It was beautifully rustic and traditional and gorgeous and that’s what gave me the idea.

Explain your writing process – where do you enjoy writing and how do you get started?

I could procrastinate for the universe, but generally I just find that sitting down in the morning works for me. Mornings are my most productive time. If it’s flowing, it’s great and you get loads done. Then some days are a nightmare when nothing is coming. You end up cleaning the house to avoid working. If I have a very clean house when I’m in the middle of a book, it’s not a good sign. It’s good for the house but not good for me!

Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?

I think the most challenging thing is coming up with new twists on the old themes. Every story has been told many times and it’s about making them fresh and original. It’s quite exciting when you can figure out a way to make it a bit different.

Have you always wanted to be a writer?

Actually, no! I didn’t think about getting into writing until relatively late. I was working in the film industry. I was interested in getting out of that industry. I always read a lot and English was always my best subject at school, so I knew I could write. It was a sequence of events that led to me to trying to write for Mills & Boon. It happened quite organically, it wasn’t something I had wanted to do for a long time. It was more of a progression, really, than anything. I wanted to be a nurse when I was young, then I wanted to be a psychotherapist and then a psychiatrist. I got a university place in Sussex to do social anthropology and then I ended up in film. Nothing I did in school remotely prepared me for what I ended up doing.

What advice would you give to aspiring romance writers?

I would say you need to read a lot. You need to read in the genre that you want to try and get published in. You need to be thinking of how to change things up. There is no point submitting something that is already out there. You need to try to come up with new twists on the old themes.


What are you reading at the moment?

I just finished reading Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman, which I LOVED! I’m just about to start reading The Light We Lost by Jill Santopolo. I also tend to read a lot of Mills & Boon.

What’s your favourite genre to read?

I love reading romance, it’s my go-to staple reading. I do like reading more mainstream fiction as well, and crime. I love Lee Child’s Jack Reacher books. I’m going on holiday in a week and I have about 300 books that I want to bring with me.

What do you like the most about the romance genre?

I like the fact that it is uplifting and life-affirming and inclusive and diverse and I love the fact that it’s so predictable in some ways and you know what you’re going to get but at the same time, there’s so much change in romance at the moment, which is very exciting. I love it most because it’s providing a very life-affirming story every time. Just because it has a happy ending, doesn’t make it trite. It’s escapism but it’s also very necessary – especially at the moment.

How would you describe your ideal romantic hero?

I think George Clooney is doing really well in the hero stakes. He seems to embody everything that is a hero. I like someone who is a gentleman. I also love Jamie Fraser from Outlander; he is one of my all-time favourite heroes. I like somebody who is kind and nice and quietly heroic.

Who is your favourite fictional heroine?

One of my really early ones is Lucky Santangelo from the Jackie Collins books. She was so gorgeous and sexy and really strong and independent… she was great.


Thanks to Abby for having a chat with us and a very happy publication day!

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