Susanne Hampton on her own Christmas miracle

We love a good Christmas miracle! And to accompany today’s amazing competition here’s Susanne Hampton (author of A Mummy To Make Christmas) with a sweet little story of her own…

The best Christmas present I’ve ever received was …

having my daughter fly in from Los Angeles on Christmas morning four years ago.  No amount of beautifully wrapped presents will ever come close to the happiness of having all of my family together at Christmas.  

My daughter, Orianthi had at the time lived in the US for about five years and due to work commitments couldn’t get home to Australia for Christmas.  I was so very sad… for two reasons.  The first was that we would not share Christmas with her but what saddened me more was the thought of her being by herself for Christmas six thousand miles from home. 

Her presents were mailed and we said we would Skype but now matter how we tried to make it okay it still wouldn’t be the same.  I put up the tree, dressed the table with red and gold, wrapped the presents complete with bows but it still didn’t feel like Christmas.  Then a Christmas miracle happened and she came off tour a little earlier and caught the next flight to Australia.  The turkey was in the oven, Bing Crosby was singing ‘White Christmas’ despite it being a hot summer day ‘down-under’ and knowing our eldest daughter would be home very soon, the family gathered around the table.  

Orianthi arrived just in time to pop a Christmas bon-bon and then fall asleep in her old bedroom.  It didn’t matter that she couldn’t stay awake to share lunch …it was still the most perfect Christmas because we were all under the same roof. 

Thanks Susanne! If you’d like to win a copy of A Mummy To Make Christmas, plus a Tea & Comfort Kit including a garden lantern, indoor candles, coasters and a tea cosy, enter today’s competition!

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