So You Think You Can Write Contest 2014

Calling all aspiring Harlequin Mills & Boon authors – it’s that time of year again…!

After months of behind-the-scenes brainstorming, working and quite simply ridiculous amounts of excitement, So You Think You Can Write, Harlequin’s annual writing conference, is all set to launch on 15th September. Hurrah!

For those of you who haven’t heard of So You Think You Can Write, our virtual conference offers you five days of pretty much uninterrupted writing assistance gold! From blogs, to live Twitter chats, to community events, there’s a whole host of events that will allow you to connect with Harlequin editors and other like-minded authors from the romance writing community. You’ll get the chance to discover more about your favorite series, find out what the editors are really looking for, take part in some writing challenges and enjoy all the fun activities we’ve got planned for you. (And before you ask, yes I can confirm that we have events planned to suit all time zones J) So, mark September 15th – 19th in your calendars, you won’t want to miss out!

And if that wasn’t excitement enough, the conference will be followed by our annual So You Think You Can Write contest, running from September 22nd – November 10th! This will be your chance to put all the great insights you’ve learnt from the conference into practice, and submit your full manuscript to see if you can become Harlequin’s newest star! This year, the prize is even more special than usual. In years past, we’ve offered a publishing contract, but this year, we’ve super-sized – prepare yourself for our Ultimate Author’s Publishing Prize! This includes…

  • Two-book series publishing contract
  • Digital publication in early 2015 followed by print
  • Assignment to a topnotch editor
  • Social media support
  • Dedicated publicist
  • Meet the series creative team via Skype
  • Celebratory champagne dinner for two 

Sounds pretty good, right?! From So You Think You Can Write 2013, we’ve already bought 17 new authors and we’re looking to beat that statistic this year. So, what are you waiting for – start getting those manuscripts ready, we can’t wait to read them! Make sure you’re following @sytycwglobal and #sytycw14 for all the latest updates and gossip, and we’ll see you all on 15th September!



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