Writing tips: How to make your idea a reality!

It’s almost time! We only have ONE day to go until the Mills & Boon Modern Blitz is open for submissions! We’ll be accepting your submissions from May 15th – June 2nd, so don’t delay – get writing!

But, if you’re still struggling to get started, here’s the Modern team’s guide to…

How to Make Your Idea a Reality!

  • Start writing… OK, so it’s easier said than done. But, when you’re struggling to get started, there’s nothing worse than staring at a blank page. So, even if you’re certain that it’s the worst thing you’ve ever written – we promise you, it’s not! – don’t worry. Why? Because you’ve just crossed the first hurdle. You’ve started writing! Now, the real story can begin. It’s time to make your idea a reality!
  • Captivate us from the first page… You’ve only got one chapter to grab the editor’s attention, so make it count! Think… what’s going to pull a reader in? Explosive chemistry? Tick! A gripping storyline? Tick! A unique spin on a popular Modern theme? Tick! We’re looking for a story that’s impossible to put down. So, show us what you’ve got!
  • Conflict is key… Without emotional conflict, your story has nowhere to go. This has to be your focus. So, use it is as your starting point. Your plot should be dictated by where your hero and heroine’s emotional conflict takes them. So, we need to see, in your synopsis, how each scene is a reaction to the last. Consider… Does this scene have a purpose? How is it changing the story? And, importantly, does it take your hero and heroine one step closer to their Happily Ever After?
  • Trial and error… We know there’s nothing worse than realising that your story has hit a roadblock, but this can be a good thing! If you’re stuck, it’s usually because something in your story isn’t quite working. So, take a step back and ask yourself, is this best way to tell my hero and heroine’s story?  It’s only when you do this, that your story will fall into place.
  • Write what you love… Our best piece of advice? Write what you love! Mills & Boon Modern is all about passion and escape. So, create a world that you – and your reader – can get lost in! Do you find yourself longing for a particular story to be put on the shelves, but can’t find it anywhere? Well, write it yourself! It’s only when we realise that you’re in love with your characters, and their world, that we can fall in love with them ourselves!

We hope this advice has given you that final push to start writing. But, before we go…

You can find the Mills & Boon Modern team, on Wednesday May 15th at 10am EDT, on the Harlequin Writing Community Facebook page. We’ll be there to answer any burning questions you might have about writing the perfect Mills & Boon Modern and offering that final bit of inspiration to get started!

All that’s left to say is…

Good Luck!

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