Real Love Stories

Finding love in Antigua

To celebrate Romance Month this June, five Mills & Boon authors have each written a short story of finding love on the beautiful island of Antigua, the most romantic island in the Caribbean. Be transported to an exotic paradise, from the yachts at Nelson’s Dockyard to the peaks of… Read More

Everyday is Valentine’s Day

Our lovely authors share their experiences of living every day like it’s Valentine’s Day! Read on for some seriously cute and special moments… He buys me books I love, even when it’s something I wouldn’t dream of picking for myself. (The Boys Bumper Book of Football Chants excepted). He can actually… Read More
Real-Life Romance

Real-Life Romance

This year, in celebration of Valentine’s Day, we’ve asked our authors what love means to them. You’ve read their wonderful books, but now here’s your chance to read their delightful #RealLifeRomance stories…   Jennifer Faye A moment of true love for me was on the way… Read More
A snowy date to remember…

A snowy date to remember…

We are all about the romance over here, so when one of our bloggers, Scarlett Hawkins told us all about her snowy date to an indoor ski slope, we just had to share… “He’s stood me up, I decided as the clock ticked over another minute closer to… Read More
Real Life Romance: The Dandelion Hideaway

Real Life Romance: The Dandelion Hideaway

We spend all day surrounded by romance of the fictional kind but it’s our hope we can nudge some of this into reality for you, readers. As we head into the winter months, every week we’ll be bringing you the most romantic things to do in the UK – the… Read More
#TheRomantics Hero gets married tomorrow!

#TheRomantics Hero gets married tomorrow!

Congratulations to Daniel and Sasha who are getting married tomorrow. Daniel, nominated by his fiancé Sasha, won the Most Romantic Hero in The Mills and Boon Romantics Awards 2015.  “Why Dan Is My Romantic Hero… Fairytales teach us that we have to kiss a lot of frogs before our Prince Charming… Read More