Love Island

If Love Island contestants were Mills & Boon characters…

We can’t quite believe that we’re already four weeks into this year’s series of Love Island – and so much has happened! There’s been romance aplenty, heartbreak, steamy moments of passion and a few tears shed as well. We’re starting to feel like we know the Islanders as well as… Read More

What makes the perfect island romance?

Once upon a time on an island far, far away there were eleven single guys and girls just waiting to find their happy ever after! And now there are thirteen! But on Love Island it’s never that simple… But then again what romance is? All the best ones have a… Read More

Who’s your type on paper?

It’s that time of the year again! Love Island is back, and we’re ready for two months of cancelled plans, dedicated WhatsApp groups and finding out just who is your type on paper? So, with last night’s episode being all anyone in the office can talk about, here’s a rundown… Read More

The Appeal of the Hot Doc

Medical romance expert, author Annie O’Neil gives us an insight into the enduring appeal of the dreamy doc! We think she may have a favourite love island contestant already… You had me at island. Wait! Love Island? Even better. *Fans self in anticipation of being fanned and handed fruity cocktails*… Read More