Q&A with Therese Beharrie!

We caught up with Mills and Boon True Love author Therese Beharrie to chat about her now book, Awakened by the CEO’s Kiss and how she juggles writing and motherhood.


Congratulations on the birth of your twins! How has it been juggling writing and motherhood?

Thank you! It’s certainly been an experience trying to manage what basically comes down to two full-time jobs. Being realistic about what I can expect from myself in a day has been the biggest lesson the last year, and I’m happy to say I have it all worked out! (No, I’m kidding, I still have no idea how I get any of it done.)

What was the inspiration behind your new book, Awakened by the CEO’s Kiss?

I love playing around with tropes, and this time, I wanted to explore amnesia. What if you couldn’t remember someone you shared a connection with? How would that affect you both? In typical Therese style, I added some extra drama, and I’m so excited for everyone to read it!

If you could/wanted to turn the book into a movie, who would you cast as Tyler Murphy and Brooke Jansen?

Aja Naomi King and Aldis Hodge! They’d be beautiful to look and bring the emotion in the book to life.

What do you enjoy the most about writing for Mills & Boon True Love?

True Love really allows me to explore every facet of the emotions my characters feel, and since that’s what I enjoy most about writing in general, it’s a match made in heaven.

What qualities would you look for in your dream romantic hero?

Kindness. I don’t mind a gruff exterior, but underneath it all they have to treat others well and be good, kind people.

What does your typical writing routine look like?

Since I’ve had babies, there’s nothing typical about my routine. I write when I can steal a moment, which tends to be after they’re in bed for the night.

If you could offer one piece of advice to aspiring authors, what would it be?

Make time to write. Writing is the best way to find out what you like to write and to improve your skills. It doesn’t matter how much you write. Just write, and write often.

What are some of your favourite romance films/tv shows? Any recommendations?

Jane the Virgin is an excellent romance series for romance authors, especially for aspiring romance authors. The main character is a romance author as well, and everything about the series is a celebration of the genre. Highly recommended!

Last question! Flowers or chocolate?

Chocolate, always and forever.


Awakened by the CEO’s Kiss by Therese Beharrie is out now! Get your copy here.

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