Coffee & Cake – Fiona Lowe

This week’s Coffee & Cake star is medical author Fiona Lowe whose latest book ‘Unlocking her Surgeon’s Heart has had rave reviews on our website! Don’t miss this gorgeous romance between surgeon Noah Jackson and midwife Lilia Cartwright!


Fiona Lowe

Star sign?

Cancer and yes, I’m a real homebody! I love a ‘jammie’ day.

What coffee would you like?

Half strength hazelnut latte, please.

And which cake can we get you?

You’re making me choose just one? Anything citrus would be lovely, thank you.

What’s your earliest childhood memory?

Trying to run out into the garden as my mother was brushing my hair.

What was your favourite lesson at school?


If you could invite three people, dead or alive, to a dinner party…

Nelson Mandela, Nora Roberts & my husband.

What’s your favourite quote?

Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.- Calvin Coolidge

Do you prefer sunrise or sunset?

That depends on how tired I am! I love both.

Love is…

Someone making me a cup of tea.

What achievement are you most proud of?

My two sons, fast followed by my Rita statue. J

Describe what you can see right now?

Six enlarged photos on my kitchen wall…Nantucket Island USA, candy striped deckchairs on Blackpool pier, rice paddies in Bali, red barns of Wisconsin, USA, Peytoe Lake in the Canadian Rockies and orang-utans in Borneo.

Who’s your favourite writer?

I have many but it was Jane Austen who introduced me to romance fiction.

If you could go back and do it all again, what would you change?

I have many embarrassing moments in my life but if I went back and changed things I wouldn’t have any funny stories to tell!

What’s your favourite flower?

Did I mention I am hopeless on favourites? I mean, why limit yourself to one when there are so many to choose from so I offer you the amazingly fragrant Mr. Lincoln deep red rose and cornflowers. Oh and waratahs and wattle…..

What are your favourite films and books romantic or otherwise?

I have a list of comfort movies…..While You were Sleeping, The Holiday, Love Actually, The ProposalThe Wedding Date, Four Weddings and  a Funeral, Wedding Crashes… you get the idea 😉

What one piece of advice would you give to aspiring writers?

Keep writing and be prepared to edit.

Who would play you in a movie about your life?

She’d need to have red hair so maybe Emma Stone.

Any interesting / fun facts we should know about?

I lived in Papua New Guinea as a child and I didn’t see television until I was 8. It may be the reason why I love to read.

And finally, the perfect man/woman must have a…

Sense of humour!

You can follow Fiona on Twitter @FionaLowe

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