I Got the Call: Meet New Mills & Boon Medical Romance Author, Kate MacGuire

Kate MacGuire has loved writing since forever which led to a career in journalism and public relations. Her short fiction won the Swarthout Award and placed third in the 2020 Women’s National Book Association writing contest. When she’s not pounding away on the keyboard, Kate co-runs her crazy household with her husband, keeping its two unruly teenagers in line in the beautiful woodlands of North Carolina. Drop by katemacguire.com for updates and stories or hang out with me on social media (@katewritesromance). 

Can you tell us about yourself. Our readers want to know! 

Hey there! My name is Kate MacGuire. I’m a mom to two teenagers, writer, cat herder, tea drinker, and beach lover! I have a background in science journalism, public relations, and higher education. I am super lucky to be married to my very own Mr. MacDreamy who inspires every hero I’ve ever written. Free time is an endangered species ‘round here, but I try to stay well-rounded by working out, learning Taekwondo, traveling, and spending time with my friends and family 

Why did you want to become a romance writer?

I love how romance is all about women! The heroine is the star of the show – everything that matters to her is what drives the story. How many other genres offer that women-centric worldview? I especially love medical romance because I get to research and learn new things. I use that skill for my medical world-building, then set my creative side loose to imagine the perfect couple for that world – but of course, they don’t realize they are perfect for each other for quite some time! 

What were the big steps in your journey to becoming a published author? 

Well, the first step was trying to write books and realizing it was a lot harder than it looked! I have lost count of how many novels I started over the years that petered out because I didn’t have the skills to put everything together. I am stubborn though, so I kept trying. I also took a lot of writing classes with SavvyAuthors.com and slowly I began to understand novel structure, character development, and romance arcs a little better. Resisting the Off-Limits Pediatrician is my third medical romance manuscript, but it was the first one that I thought might have a shot at being published. So, I sent it to Harlequin through their submission site – I couldn’t believe it when the editor sent a “Revise & Resubmit” request!  

What advice would you offer aspiring writers?

Please take advantage of all the support that Harlequin offers aspiring writers. Their blog and newsletter are an amazing resource with writing advice, wish lists, and examples of what they are looking for. I am not aware of any other publisher that reaches out to unpublished authors like this! The Facebook group is also hugely helpful. Some of HQN’s published authors hang out there, and occasionally, an editor will jump into a discussion. In fact, reading the advice an editor gave another writer gave me the confidence to submit my manuscript.  

What did you do when you got the call?

Oh my goodness… like so many other writers, I wasn’t sure what to think when my editor asked me for a Zoom call. I have read soooo many “I Got the Call” stories, so I knew this could be The Call! But I was also riddled with self-doubt. At this point, I had gone through several rounds of revisions. I honestly wasn’t sure if the editor was getting tired of typing out feedback for me and thought a Zoom call would be faster – LOL 😊 It was very close to my birthday when I had the Zoom call – unfortunately my husband was traveling out of town and my kids were both gone, so I had to celebrate alone! I don’t remember much from that phone call beyond the editor’s greeting followed by, “We’d like to offer you….”  

Now let’s hear from Kate’s current editor, Sheila Hodgson…

When Kate MacGuire’s editor at the time first gave me her manuscript to read, I knew we were onto a winnerHer writing was so vivid and emotional and I just cared about her characters so very much from the very first pageShe uses the Medical setting brilliantly  to create a dramatic backdrop for a truly emotional romance, and really brings something unique.  I’m just delighted to have Kate writing for the Medical Romance series. 

If you’ve loved reading about Kate’s journey into romance writing, you may also want to dip into her medical romances! Take a closer look at her novel, Resisting the Off-Limits Paediatrician.

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