I got the call! Meet new author, Rosie Maxwell

We’re delighted to let our readers know about a new Mills & Boon author, Rosie Maxwell! Rosie’s first novel, An Heir for the Vengeful Billionaire is a contemporary romance with a ruthless tycoon, mysterious past, and an unexpected heir that will tie the hero and heroine’s story together in ways they didn’t expect!


Tell us about yourself. Our readers want to know!

For as long as I can remember I’ve wanted to be a writer. I’ve got a bachelor’s degree and an MA and have worked in various jobs, but writing has always remained my passion and my pleasure. I think reading and writing go hand in hand, so of course, I’m an avid reader too. But if I was asked to name my favorite book or author, I absolutely could not do it because there are just too many!

I love learning about the past, and accordingly, my undergraduate degree is in history. I also enjoy a daily yoga or Pilates workout, trips to the theatre (Wicked is currently the show I’ve seen the most times) and tennis (watching it, not playing).

Why did you want to become a romance writer?

I love the escape from reality that a good book provides and with their glamorous locations, sexy heroes and luxurious lifestyles, I think Modern stories offer the ultimate escape! And to be able to offer that escapism to other people through my writing is a huge privilege.

But aside from that, what really draws me to writing romance is the goodness at the heart of every story. It’s always the characters best self that wins through, love always proves to be more powerful than any other emotion, loyalty and trust are fundamental, and you know (as a reader and a writer) that the happy ever after is guaranteed. It’s such a beautiful world to disappear to for a few hours every day!

What were the big steps in your journey to becoming a published author?

Well, this wasn’t my first submission to Mills and Boon. I’d tried a couple of time before and not been successful, but I was lucky enough to get some feedback with my rejections and, once I got over my disappointment, that guidance was invaluable in helping me to hone my writing and storytelling. The fact that someone had taken the time to write those notes about something I had written really gave me a belief that I could do it and I just needed to keep trying. So I did.

A few months after submitting this story through Submittable, I received a request for the full manuscript, and a few months after that, it came back with lots of notes and suggested revisions for improvement. It was a lot of hard work, but completely worthwhile because I believed in the story so strongly and having such an experienced editor believe in it was a huge confidence boost too. I sent the new and improved story back…..and here we are!

What advice would you offer aspiring writers?

Never give up. Keep writing. Believe in your story and your voice. Read as many books as you can in the series you are interested in writing for. If you’re fortunate enough to get any feedback on your submissions, really take the time to read through and absorb that advice.

What did you do when you got the call from Mills & Boon?

I’d received an email from my editor earlier that week asking if I had any time to discuss my story, having recently sent her the revised version. Having read lots of these I Got the Call stories on the blog, I knew that such a request could be an indication of a good news so I spent the next few days alternating between feeling excited and nervous and really trying to control my expectations.

But when I got ‘the call’, it was the incredible news I’d hoped for. From the moment Carly said that she wanted to offer me a contract I was in a little bit of shock because they were the words I’d been wanting to hear for so long and finally hearing them was somewhat surreal. I think I stayed shocked for a little while before the excitement kicked in. It really is just a dream come true.

Now let’s hear from Rosie’s editor, Carly Byrne

Rosie’s submission came to be via our Submittable system, and I was immediately drawn in by Rosie’s ability to conjure emotion and make the reader feel as though they are walking in the characters’ shoes. Her one night baby with a dash of revenge was also the perfect recipe for a compelling Modern romance!

Rosie Maxwell’s debut An Heir for the Vengeful Billionaire is out now!


An Heir for the Vengeful Billionaire by Rosie Maxwell

Abandoning revenge to claim his baby!

Memories of his passion-fuelled night with Carrie consume tycoon Damon—until he discovers the ugly past that connects them and pledges to erase every memory of her. But then she storms into his office…and announces that she’s carrying his child!

Read now in eBook or in paperback which also features His Jet-Set Nights With The Innocent by Pippa Roscoe.

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