Q&A with Lissa Morgan!

We caught up with the lovely Lissa Morgan to chat about her writing journey and new book, The Warrior’s Reluctant Wife.


You write for the Mills and Boon Historical series, which allows readers to escape into a world of intense passion, lavish settings and romance that burns brightly through the ages. What’s your favourite thing about writing Historical romances?

Creating warriors with hearts of gold and spirited women who rise above the confines of their society.  The Middle Ages was such an interesting period, violent and yet deeply religious, and is a colourful and exciting background against which to set an intense romance.

What’s your favourite part of writing books set in Wales?

I’m passionately Welsh, and setting my books in Medieval Wales allows me to weave in the history, landscape, language and poetry of my homeland.  Locating books in places I know well, that have a specific significance in Welsh history, really helps me shape the story and characters.

How would you describe your writing journey so far?

Long but fun!  I began writing in 2006, though focussing then on contemporary romance, and only recently changing to historical. I had a lot of rejections over the years, but also a lot of constructive and encouraging feedback from the M&B editors. I met many other writers, published and aspiring, who have since become friends.  Attending writing courses, retreats and conferences has also been a useful and enjoyable part of the journey.

If you could give an aspiring author three pieces of advice, what would they be?

Write the book that is in your heart rather than the book you think you ‘should’ write.  Trust in your own unique voice and don’t try and imitate.  Keep your characters central and dig deep into their hearts and minds to bring them alive.

Do you have a favourite romance trope?

I do like a second chance at love trope – which is the theme of my fourth book actually, out next year and linked to this current book.  The trope gives rise to endless possibilities for conflict for characters who will have grown and changed in so many ways over the intervening period, but who still love each other as much, if not more, than ever.

Your new book, The Warrior’s Reluctant Wife, is out this month, can you tell us a little bit about it?

This is a marriage of convenience story, set in a castle located  on the modern-day nature reserve of Ynys Hir in mid Wales.  In the 12th century, this was an important frontier outpost between Ceredigion and Gwynedd, and placing my newly but reluctantly wed characters there in the middle of a harsh winter, in a lull between one war and the next, made for a nicely tense scenario.  The strangeness of the landscape and the isolation, as well as the threat of treachery close to home, forces my hero and heroine to confront their fears and brings them together in ways they least expect.

Describe your hero, Peredur…

Often a character’s name will come to me first, and so it was with Peredur – which is an ancient and noble Welsh name.  He was born the son of a notorious Flemish conqueror but was raised by a Welsh lord, and so has found himself caught between two opposing worlds.  He is a renowned warrior and has earned respect from friends and enemies alike, but, inside, he is alone and lonely.  He is kind and honourable, with a hidden sense of humour, something that surprises Rhianon, who only knows about, and fears, his warlike reputation.

Your heroine, Rhianon has had a challenging life, how do you think this has shaped her?

Rhianon is one of those wonderful characters who almost write themselves. Her young life with a violent father, and then being married to a husband who was by turns brutal and indifferent, could have made her hard and bitter, or else fearful and helpless. But she has survived it all due to her spirit and strength of will, becoming self-contained and a little aloof to keep herself safe. However, her compassion, warmth, intelligence and quick wit gradually emerge as she begins to see beyond Peredur’s reputation to the real man underneath.

Last question, chocolate or flowers?

Flowers – preferably white roses!


 The Warrior’s Reluctant Wife by Lissa Morgan

Recently widowed, Rhianon hopes never to find herself bound to a man again, after being raised by a violent father and married to an unpredictable husband. But to seal a strategic alliance she’s forced to marry Peredur ab Eilyr—a warrior lord with a formidable reputation! Rhianon might be a reluctant wife…but ruling with her new husband is revealing a passionate side to Peredur that Rhianon is anything but reluctant to explore…

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