Follow the Tough Justice Blog Tour

With the reviewers all raving about it, we’re dead excited to launch a brand new 8-part digital-first crime fiction serial! Tough Justice is written b NYT bestselling authors Carla Cassidy, Tyler Anne Snell, Carol Ericson and Gail Barrett and it’s guaranteed to be a) something a little different and b) something to leave you wanting more!

What’s more, the first part is FREE. Get it here.

You can follow the Tough Justice blog tour throughout January by hitting up these brilliant blogs on their assigned days. Also, don’t forget to follow us on Twitter for all updates.

Blog tour:

  1. Monday, January 11th – The Book Swarm: Carla Cassidy on why you need to give Tough Justice a try
  2. Wednesday, January 13th – Pretty Sassy Cool: Tyler Anne Snell on Villainy and what makes a great bad guy
  3. Friday, January 15th – Curling Up With A Good Book: Carol Ericson on Romance Just Ain’t Romance Without A Few Dead Bodies
  4. Monday, January 18th – A Dream Within A Dream: Gail Barrett on Four Must Watch Crime TV Shows
  5. Wednesday, January 20th – Books and Things: Carla Cassidy on Chills, Thrills & Long Hours of Writing (author Q&A)
  6. Friday, January 22nd – Read Your Writes Book Reviews: Tyler Anne Snell on A Day In the Writing Life
  7. Monday, January 25th – The Book Cellar: Carol Ericson on Diary of a Mad Author: Where Do Creative Writing Ideas Come From?
  8. Wednesday, January 27th – Live To Read ~Krystal: Gail Barrett on Researching for Tough Justice
  9. Friday, January 29th – Parajunkee: Q&A with Carla Cassidy on Tough Justice
  10. Monday, February 1st – Bewitched Bookworms: Tyler Ann Snell Favorite parts of Tough Justice and Challenges of Writing a multi-author series
  11. Wednesday, Febraury 3rd – Blushing Reads: Carol Ericson shares her casting choices for TOUGH JUSTICE
  12. Friday, February 5th – For The Love of Fictional Worlds: Gail Barrett on Top 3 Favorite Suspense Novels

Not convinced yet? Here are some of the reviews coming in already…

With a dark engaging story line, an enigmatic heroine who kicks serious butt, a diabolical villain and a hard-boiled narrative, Cassidy’s segment in this intense new crime drama anthology/serial rocks!” –The Reading Frenzy

“This story charges from the gate right away, dropping the reader into a tense, boiling hot crime drama that will suck readers into its vortex from page one.” –Night Owl Reviews

“A story with as many layers as there are twists—and this is only the first instalment! Get in from the beginning and enjoy the absolutely bananapants ride.  You will not be disappointed!” –Fresh Fiction

Don’t forget, the first part is FREE. Get it here.

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