MOTY2016 Up Close & Personal: Meet Ben

We’re excited to have another of our Hot 15 on the blog today and this time it’s the lovely Ben. He’s a writer (more on that later) and he’s here to tell us all about the hands of fate, late night blubbing and… ducks? If you like what you hear about our potential next cover star, vote for Ben on our Facebook page!

What was your motivation for entering this competition?

It was my friend Robin’s idea. She pointed out that I am a writer and believe that love is a world-changer and I’m attracted to any initiative in this field. This MOY competition certainly qualifies a love-based initiative!

What’s your definition of a modern day hero?

A strong man (or woman) who only uses strength as a last resort. I value kindness, compassion and negotiation very highly.

What’s the most heroic thing you’ve ever done?

I once protected a mother duck and her four ducklings from a biker gang who were throwing stones at them. It was about eight against one. The ducks escaped unhurt…

How would your friends describe you in less than ten words?

Contemplative, funny, creative, original and a listener.

What’s your idea of a perfect date?

One where the electricity’s triggered by intelligence, humour, empathy and the hope of that mystical connection I call “soul tumbling”.

When was the last time you cried?

I employ blubbing as the acid test of my writing – so at 3:29am (I worked late) last night.

What’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever done for someone?

I once took someone – she had no idea where we were going – on holiday. I hid the air tickets, kept her preoccupied at the airport. She only worked out our destination when we were half way there because of an announcement by the captain.

Tell us a secret – something we’d never guess about you.

I boxed for many years and competed until a few years ago.

What’s your biggest fear?

That my children won’t be proud of me.

Do you believe in destiny? Tell us why, or why not.

We are given a hand of cards at birth and the free will to choose how to play them. However sometimes the Universe delivers to us the perfect someone at just the right time. This has been my lucky experience.

If you could change the world one step at a time, where would you start?

Most of the problems facing humankind stem from ignorance. I believe education is paramount. I’d like to see more of our resources directed to schools and quality education at every level.

If someone made a movie of your life, who would play you and why?

I had no idea so I threw this one at a group of friends in my coffee shop. Paul Newman and Richard Gere were narrowly outpointed by Homer Simpson! 

If you like what you’ve heard, vote for Ben!

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