#SummerSizzler Author Post – Michelle Smart

Being Beach Body Ready… the Michelle Smart Way!

Summer is still here and for many of us that means only one thing – holiday! Yes, dreams of sangria, blue skies, sangria, golden beaches, sangria, suntans and more sangria are close enough to touch. In the name of being a nice person, I took my summer holiday (Ibiza, thanks for asking) a little early this year just so I could write this post and share how I got my body ready to hit those beaches. You’re welcome!

By now, all the glossy mags will have told you how to diet your way to a bikini bod so you can look just like Gwyneth Paltrow. Personally, I find the best way to lose weight is to just stop eating*. Yes, you’ll be hungry and possibly faint and suffer from cramps etc… but hey, sacrifice is called for. And it’s tastier than a kale smoothie.
*Apparently medical professionals do not recommend the starvation diet. Something about humans needing the fuel that comes from food to survive. 

Have you had your bikini wax yet? No, neither did I. But that’s because I’m allergic to pain. Instead, save the cash (more money for all that yummy sangria), get yourself a pair of bikini shorts and voila! Planning to wax your legs? Save even more cash for sangria by using your partner’s razor – just remember to have tissues handy if you raze chunks of skin off.

Hair Maintenance
If you colour your hair then I would suggest getting the roots done at least three days before you leave, especially if you dye it red. There’s nothing worse than diving into the clear waters of your hotel swimming pool only to emerge to find the water looks as if a shark attack has taken place. Which leads me to my next tip… Don’t go in the water without a swimming hat (if you forget to pack one, most hotels kindly provide shower caps that can be used). Yes, you’ll look a little strange with your itsy bitsy teeny weeny bikini on and a tight latex cap clinging to your scalp, but your hair will thank you for it. I’ve been home from my hols for a fortnight and my hair is still whining at me for all the chlorine I dunked it in and, quite frankly, is a tangled, frizzy mess.

And that’s it! Follow these three simple steps and you will be beach body ready too. Yes, I could espouse tips for how to rid yourself of cellulite etc… but look around you; Gwyneth Paltrow and her skinny, cellulite-free body is nowhere to be seen. Happy holidays!

The Perfect Cazorla WifeMichelle Smart is the author of The Greek’s Pregnant Bride and, her most recent book, The Perfect Cazorla Wife – read a FREE extract here!

Follow the hashtag #SummerSizzler on Twitter and look out for the logo on our books for extra content, features and competitions. Find all our editorial selected sauciest summer reads on our #SummerSizzler page!

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