We Love Romance, a brand new eBook subscription app powered by Mills & Boon

We’re excited to announce our brand-new eBook subscription app, We Love Romance!

Launching very soon, our eBook subscription service is totally unlimited, featuring thousands of your favourite titles from bestselling Mills & Boon authors, with more titles added every month!

We’re launching our website and app in the iOS App Store very soon, with the Android version to follow shortly.

Perfect for curling up with a cuppa or on-the-go, We Love Romance is the new romance eBook subscription app, brought to you by Mills & Boon. Designed to provide you with unlimited access to thousands of heart-fluttering titles, we carefully select the romance authors that we know you’ll love, regularly updating our library with new eBooks. Genres range from contemporary romance stories to historical fiction.

How much will We Love Romance cost?

You can choose to pay monthly for just £7.99, or can pay £79.99 for access for a year (this is the best value option with two months for free!). Both options come with a 14-day free trial.

Where is We Love Romance available?

The We Love Romance app will be available in the Apple App Store and can be downloaded onto iOS devices. We will be launching an Android version of the app soon!

We Love Romance is currently only available to subscribers in the UK and Ireland.

What can I read on We Love Romance?

Thousands of quick and easy-reading romance Mills & Boon eBooks are available to enjoy on We Love Romance. The books available are from a brilliant range of best-selling authors, with hundreds of new titles added to the app every month.

We hope you’re as excited for the launch of We Love Romance as we are, and we can’t wait to let you know as soon as the app is available to download! Keep your eyes peeled for more information on the launch and how you can sign up for your free trial.

To get instant updates on We Love Romance, including launch date, sign up to receive emails here.

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