To Love or not to Love?

To Love or not to Love?

Our friends at HQ stories have published a brilliant book that we think you’ll love! Straight from the world’s most romantic city and filled with fabulous tips and plenty of tongue-in-cheek humour, Love Parisienne is the French woman’s ultimate guide to love and passion in and out of the bedroom…

The authors of Love Parisienne, Florence Besson, Eva Amor and Claire Steinlen give you a sneak peek of their fabulous guide to love!

When it comes to love, you sometimes feel as if you just don’t know what you’re doing. You may feel that finding a guy—if only a decent one—is a bit like making slow-cooked lamb: too complicated! You find yourself wandering the streets feeling envy for the lovers kissing on benches while you hum a sad love song about heartbreak and loneliness. And yet, and yet . . . you dream of love, real love, true love, and of a hot guy.

The First Rule of Love

So, here is the first rule of love: Listen to yourself. Ask yourself what you really want. Sometimes you just want to have fun—and that’s absolutely fine! Enjoy yourself without guilt. Paris is also made for that. And if you are dreaming of real love? Be careful: You need to be wise with your time and energy. So don’t be under any illusions about him or about yourself: If what you like is bars packed with budding artists, don’t waste your time with futile fantasies about socialites at a five-star Plaza Athénée hotel!

Golden Rule

Know yourself! Stop comparing yourself to other people. Dare to be who you are, with your contradictions, your craziness, and your strange tastes. Look at your friends who are in relationships: Sometimes their choice of partner makes no sense to you. So forget the perfect man. What matters is your happiness!

Parisian Tip


Yes, we’re in Paris, so let’s begin with a little philosophy! Sartre said something that is really pretty wise: “Existence precedes essence.” Very (very) roughly, that means: Look at yourself, observe what gives you pleasure, go where you feel happy, and you will know who you are (and who you like)! If that shocks people, blame Jean-Paul.